I will keep braiding my hair
In three flawless sections
Until my innocence
My childhood existence
Floods back
Until I am embraced by the warm hands of Mrs. Grass
And igloos
And forest forts
Lined with one layer thick of bricks
And prank-phone calls
And chasing the geese down the beach
Out of breath
Gasping for air
Gasping for the future
But now all I want is my blonde hair
And crooked teeth
And big blue eyes
Taking in everything with eagerness
Ready to grow up
Now all I want is my miniature hands
With fingers I had to grow into
And toes all dirty from never wearing shoes
Gravel and dirt under my nails
And bubble baths
With my plastic Noah’s Arc
Floating and tumbling in the waves of foam
Hand in hand with my mother
Creating music with a spoon
With underwear on my head
And a big feather
With a heart ready for anybody
And everybody
Creativity spilling out my naïve head
All around
Creating pools of imagination which reached my ankles
Now all I want is to drown in that pool
Let it rinse my aging mind
Refresh it
Give it hope again
And love
And a youthful spirit
So let’s go back in time
Let’s just keep braiding my hair
Tighter and tighter
In three flawless sections